My snug 10' x 11' art studio has served me well for five years - a little cozy at times, but a haven for creativity nonetheless. It has become challenging to keep my artwork and all the accompanying paraphernalia in bounds. Many of my faithful supporters have inquired about art lessons, but I felt reluctant with no space for students. So, where to go from here? Go UP with a new studio over the garage!
I'm a homebody at heart and dearly love my home studio. To have a large, versatile, light-filled space for my passion is a dream come true. The project began in late April so I'm playing some blogging catch-up. If you want to follow the studio building adventure with me, enter your email address in the sign-up box on the right to receive notice of new blog posts via email. Our contractor, Dave Laube of
All Phase Dave, has been great to work with. Despite cranky building inspectors, unexpected downpours, and a detail-oriented (i.e. "picky") homeowner, he keeps his cool and keeps the job moving forward. Thanks Dave!
Garage before the demolition |
Dumptruck for the debris |
Stripping the garage interior |